Friday, December 30, 2011

Good manners means adhering to deadlines.....

One of the most important facets of musical theatre is remembering that we are a community that relies upon one another to get our work done....Consequently, theatre is laden with traditions and etiquette that stem from the idea that if we all follow a standard operating procedure, we can work quickly and efficiently and we can be respectful of everyone's time, feelings and work ethic.  This is not only true of educational theatre.....professional actors follow strict etiquette as well.  Take a look at the pages from the Actor's Equity Contract regarding expectations of actors during production at the link below. Make a copy of this and put it in your binder.....I refer to it often and it is my expectation that you do too:

This is a main reason why we asked the cast to submit conflict calendars so that we could accommodate -- to the best of our ability -- your busy schedules.  Doing this is much more difficult for Mr. Buno and I than simply having rehearsal dates cast in stone without your input.....

So as of Wednesday when Mr. Buno and I put together the schedule, we only had 5 (FIVE! ) people in the cast turn in conflict of today, Friday, we only have 4 (FOUR) more. Needless to say, this missed deadline of December 21 is both disappointing to us and a missed opportunity to have YOUR voice heard -- especially since the rehearsal schedule is now set and will not be flexible. Please note that often times when you are frustrated that a schedule has been changed or a rehearsal time runs over, it is very often because we are trying to make up for folks not following through with their scheduled time commitments.

One of the most important habits for us all to get into is honoring deadlines and schedules....without this simple act of courtesy, ALL of us become inconvenienced and all of us are impacted.  Not honoring deadlines is bad manners...

Let's try to do better.

Friday, December 16, 2011

First Conflict Calendar!

Hooray for Jackie S!!!  She's the first one to hand in her calendar!  Thanks, Jackie!

First Sing-Thru

We held our first sing-thru on Wednesday, December 14th.  It was great to get together with everyone and to see the cast assembled in one place for the first time.  I'm really excited to get started!  A few reminders:
  • If you haven't gotten me a binder yet -- I think everyone in the cast is all set, but the crew may need a few more -- please do so ASAP.
  • PARENT MEETING -- January 3rd, 6pm in Auditorium
  • Please get me your CONFLICT CALENDAR as soon as possible!